2024 February R2R CMA Article
Who are we?
So many articles written and so little description of who or what the Christian Motorcyclists Association is! Well, here you go…
The Christian Motorcyclists Association is interdenominational and evangelistic in nature. We believe in: •The Bible as the inspired and infallible Word of God
•One God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
•The virgin birth and deity of Christ, His explicit atoning death, bodily resurrection, and ascension •Salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ
•The sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit who enables a believer to live holy.
•The second coming of Jesus Christ
We aren’t considered a club ministry; we are an association. We do what we do in service to God, our Father ,and all mankind. We do our best to remain neutral to all causes so as not to exclude anyone, allowing us the ability to serve and be ‘There when you need us’.
Our Vision is to ‘Change the World, One Heart at a Time’. We don’t have any hidden agendas; our members do their best at walking with the integrity of Christ every day. Are we perfect? Not hardly. But the word of God says to ‘strive for perfection’ and we walk through each day with the hopes that every new day is a new beginning. Our colors have a special significance to us. This is what they stand for:
Triangle Shape=Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Praying Hands=The way God would have CMA grow
Cross=The message and statement of faith (ICorinthians2:2)
Bible=God’s direction for CMA
Blue Color=The way of the cross leads home(to Heaven)
Yellow Color=The crowns and rewards that will be for the faithful Christian.
Red Outline= The blood that make everything it encloses effective.
In a nutshell, the ministry of CMA is here for you whenever you need peace in the chaos, prayer, a guiding hand, a comforting voice, a hand up, a help out or even a simple cup of coffee on a chilly day. We’ve got you. It doesn’t matter where you are, we will do our best to be ‘there when you need us’. With all of that being said, look for us out and about at the local events such as; Jim’s swap meet at the Allen County Fairgrounds in February, Walneck’s Swap Meet in Springfield, the Shawnee Bike Blessing, Lima in May, Ohio Bike Week, Vintage Days, Hudson Leather, Kilkare in Dayton, Piqua H-D blessing, No Cages, and so many other places we don’t have room to name! We are out there because we care about you! But honestly, no one cares about you more that Jesus Himself and that’s why we do what we do! So glad I could share a little about us with you this month! Questions? Email us atgraceme.mg@gmail.comand we will answer anything you may ask within reason!
Happy Valentine’s Day
Mary G.
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