CMA Corner October 2024

CMA Corner October 2024


What a great year this has been! Just wound down September with Thunder on the Strip, ABATE Region 3 Toy Run and our own Ohio CMA State Rally and now can call the season complete with a trip to Arkansas for the final big Rally of the Year!

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We look forward to seeing you again in the coming season and at the many Swap Meets coming in the local areas over the cooler months of Ohio. Lima, Springfield, Columbus, Dayton…somewhere there is always a place to meet! And what a joy it has been to meet so many new people this year! Everywhere we went we found new friends and so many just wanting to stop and chat awhile. That’s really what ministry is all about…new faces, new places and finding the one common ground we can step into that brings about a cool relationship and a fond memory. Please don’t ever feel you need to avoid the booth or the blessing. Come on over and grab a free coffee or water and share the moment with us. All are welcome to stop by.

Speaking of stopping by…it was nice to meet so many people from other MM’s this season. While we may not all roll the same, we all have the same goal in mind which is to help others find freedom. Freedom from what??

Fear, anxiety, depression, addiction, the weight of life, pain and sorrow, and any other thing that besets you. No judgments. No condemnations. Just freedom. We all have had some kind of something in our lifetime that we have hidden deep inside or just shoved aside so we can get on with life. It’s okay…but it’s way better to let it go and find peace through it all. And that is why we are here when you need us. Pretty simple really.

The love of Jesus is what motivates us to serve in most any capacity we can serve in. Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and give His life a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

So, who would we be to place ourselves higher than He by not serving in some way to make your day a better one? You see, we are not out to bang the Bible over your head and make you feel like you are not good enough or force you into a commitment that you may not desire or be ready for. No, we are here to let you know that Jesus lived for you, died for you, arose from that grave for you and still lives on in those that receive Him as Lord and Savior. It’s a choice only we ourselves can make as individuals. Sin is sin and there isn’t any science to it. There’s no middle ground, there’s no getting around it…sin came in and deceived and it still does. There was a choice way back in the garden and there’s a choice right here and now. But oh how wonderful it is when the choice to follow Jesus is made and the freedom to live and not die comes and overwhelms your soul with that perfect love of Jesus. Unifying spirit and soul and bringing about a peace inside that cannot be described other than maybe, what might come close, is that still summer night, cruising down a country road with nothing but the full moon to guide you and the sound of your pipes echoing through the corn fields as you pass by…

I will leave you with that thought rolling around in your head and maybe it will touch your heart…Catch you in the wind…

Mary G.