CMA Corner Jan 2025

CMA Corner Jan 2025

In the year 2025…

Yes, I know it’s 2525 in the song, but you know how it is when you get a song in your head! How are you all doing? Did you have a great holiday? Did you maintain while gathering with the fam? It’s hard to do sometimes, but I must tell you, when it’s all said and done, hanging with the friends and family around the special times makes for some good memories!

Speaking of memories…how did you do on your 2024 resolves? Did you meet your goals, get the lead out and complete the projects? Did you start something new? Maybe a new relationship, or a move to a new town or just across town to a new place? New job? Maybe you just went on a trip you had never taken before. Well, guess what! If you didn’t do anything at all that was different, it’s a brand-new year! You can start all over again! That’s worth shouting about! (Nevermind….I shout enough at the college football games…but that’s another story!)

Let’s get back to new beginnings. We all need a restart at times, don’t we? We always think we have messed up one too many times to turn it around and when we realize we can, we usually take a step back with a shade of hesitation that we will mess up again. That’s where trust comes into play. We have to learn to trust the process we are in and more than that, trust that the One who created us will lead the way for us. It’s a lot to put into motion, but it’s doable.

You see the biggest thing we all seem to lack is confidence in ourselves to do what we are gifted to do. We are constantly seeking our purpose and plan, but in all reality, we need to seek the only One who knows the plan. Then and only then will we know the path we are supposed to be on. Will there be bumps along the path, absolutely. That is life and sometimes it stinks, however the real deal is how we walked through the toughest times, what did we learn from it and how will it affect our moving forward? The real test of life isn’t the test itself, it’s the grade at the end. If we pass, we move on, if not, we may be destined to do it again a little differently maybe, but the same scenario. If we recognize that, then we will sail through easily. If not…well, that was a big mountain the people of Israel went around for forty years. Not just once.

Bottom line to this one: Get up, brush off and move forward. We are not even close to the finish line yet. It’s close, but we have a little more to do. We can do it! After all…It’s a New Year!

Get ready for it! CMA will see you in January, February and March at one of three Swap Meets or wherever toys are sold!

Be blessed and remember, you are of great value to everyone who knows you!

In the Wind…

Mary G. 

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