CMA Corner September

CMA Corner September


“Why are you out here?”

As CMA, we get asked this question quite often. Especially when we are picking up trash or doing something most others won’t. Some have the impression that we do it strictly for donations to support the ministry. That is far from the truth. CMA is supported by its members and IF a donation is given at all, it goes for the outreach portion of the ministry, not the operations of the ministry. So, why are we out here? Because we are a people called by God to bring the gospel to the world that they might know and be set free.

This is our vision: Changing the world, one heart at a time.

What does that mean and how does picking up trash or parking a bike do that? Jesus came to serve and said that is the most important thing we could do for one another. Not only does it humble our heart, but it also allows us to express His love through our actions. It all boils down to that one thing…Love.

This is our Mission: To inspire our leaders and members to be the most organized, advanced, equipped, financially stable organization, full of integrity in the motorcycling industry and the Kingdom of God.

Integrity is the key to having a successful ministry of any kind. Are we really who we say we are? Do our actions portray the biblical standards we have set for the ministry? If we are following Jesus, we should be good to go with the values we have established.

Let’s get down to it…we all have standards and practices we follow both as groups and individually. We want to be known for who we are and what we stand for. Try as we might, unless it’s time for a change, we don’t or won’t change our way of doing things too often simply because we think it takes away from our established identity. Sometimes that can work as an advantage, and sometimes it can be quite a disadvantage.

For example: you can pick out a CMA member. You know that by the vest they wear or even a shirt with the CMA colors on it. If the member doesn’t wear anything that identifies them as being part of CMA, you wouldn’t know they were a CMA member.

When it comes to recognizing a Christian a.k.a, a believer, you may not see anything that identifies them as such on their clothing, however, you should be able to pick up by their actions that they are a Christian. If you can’t, then we, as Christians need to take a good look on the inside so that the outside can be lined up with who we say we are.

So, to answer the why on a personal note, I will say this…a lot of life was spent with no direction, no vision, and the sense of no purpose. Oh, it looked like I had it all together on the outside, but not so much on the inside. My why is because you are important to me. You were created to do great things and sometimes we just need a little motivation in the right direction to get things going. The old saying that ‘Iron sharpens Iron’ simply means we need each other and that lines up with another saying of ours in CMA… ‘Here if you need us’ and that, my brothers and sisters, is the true heart of Jesus.

Thunder on the Lake is September 6-8, we will be there with Reasons to Ride/TRO. Also, our State Rally is September 20-22 at Cross Oak Campground, Saint Marys, OH. Camping is available, both tent and RV. Come & join us for a great weekend of ‘Rappin’ up Hope’ and we Hope to see you there!

Catch you in the Wind!

Mary G.

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