Add Your Event To Our Calendar
Now it is easier than ever to list your event with Reasons To Ride. RTR will introduce your event to our national audience, increasing your events following and participation! We list your event on our calendar until the event is over, sharing your event to our followers, featuring your event on all our platforms, actively announcing and highlighting your event to our followers.
Basic Event Listing
- National Calendar Listing
- State Calendar Listing
- Event Poster & Artwork
- Event Details With Links
- Directions and Google Map
Featured Event Listing
- Includes All "Basic Event Listing" Features
- Featured On RTR Home
- Shared On All RTR Platforms
- Event Bannner, Poster & Artwork
- Quick Links & Sharing
Featured Event + Ride Registration
- Includes All "Featured Event Listing" Features
- Sell Tickets / Registration
- Ticket Scanning / Rider Checkin
- Ticket / Event Analytics
- Rider Registration Advertising
3 Benefits of Adding Ticketing/ Registration To Your Event
Add ticketing and event registration to your event now! With Reasons to Ride you can easily add all the benefits of registration to your event. RTR charges a small set up fee (which you can see above), and then a $3 per ticket fee charged per ticket to your attendees at the time of purchase. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our team!

1. Accurate Planning
Pre-registration allows you to more accurately plan for your event by having a listing of participants already committed and invested in it.
Pre-registration also helps protect your ride from cloudy days that might also have people staying home, but will choose to still come out since they are already pre-paid.

2. Ride Memorabilia
We are also able to offer RIDE SHIRTS and PATCHES as part of the process as well. Shirts are a great way to promote your event and offer more value to those participating.
With advance sales and riders indicating what size shirts they need – you’ll also avoid having to invest in unwanted shirts. You’ll have exactly what you need.

3. Promotional Materials
We can also help develop graphics and promotional materials – including posters and cards to professionally represent your ride.
We are able to advertise your event digitally, and with our traditional print media partners
This helps with sponsorship and encourages ride participation.
Add Your Non-Profit Event To Our Calendar
Our Non-Profit Basic Listing is free of charge to charitable organizations and other Non-Profits. We list your event on our calendar until the event is over, sharing with our followers.
Non-Profit Listing
- $1 Donation to Warrior Fund Charity
- National Calendar Listing
- State Calendar Listing
- Event Poster & Artwork
- Event Details With Links
Non-Profit Listing
- Includes All "Basic Event Listing" Features
- Featured On RTR Home
- Shared On All RTR Platforms
- Event Bannner, Poster & Artwork
- Quick Links & Sharing
Featured Non-Profit
+ Ride Registration
- Includes All "Featured Event Listing" Features
- Sell Tickets / Registration
- Ticket Scanning / Rider Checkin
- Ticket / Event Analytics
- Rider Registration Advertising
Becoming An Event Organizer With RTR ///
Sign up to become an event organizer with Reasons to Ride, and have control of your events like never before! Signing up to be an event organizer with Reasons to Ride couldn't' be easier and it's FREE. Becoming an Organizer gives you the ability to sign in and edit your submitted events, add ticketing to your event, track your advertising purchases and so much more! Just add your organization when you upload your first event, and an account will be created for you!