Blessing of the Bikes: Bellefontaine OH | Bellefontaine Moose Riders

Blessing of the Bikes: Bellefontaine OH | Bellefontaine Moose Riders

Blessing of the Bikes: Bellefontaine OH | Bellefontaine Moose Riders

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Event Name: Blessing of the Bikes: Bellefontaine OH
Event Location: Bellefontaine Moose Riders
Event Address: 912 S. Detroit St., Bellefontaine OH 43311
Event Description: Help us make our 3rd Blessing the biggest and best yet. All proceeds go to Local Charities. Come enjoy the Fellowship and laid back atmosphere. Sponsored by the Bellefontaine Moose Riders and the Brother’s Keeper Widows Sons Chapter.
Event Link: Click Here

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Date And Time

05/10/25 - 10:00 AM (EST) to
05/10/25 - 04:00 PM (EST)



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