Jumpin’ June-ipers…

Jumpin’ June-ipers…

We are heading into our favorite season of the year, and it just keeps getting better and better! I will say the first half of the year went quickly and we’ve already had so many wonderful moments with all of you out there in the wind and we look forward to many more!

You know one of my favorite things to do is Bike Blessings. We have already blessed thousands of you in the month of May and whenever I see anyone out riding, I say a prayer for you as you go by. Today, it’s important for you to know how much the Lord really cares about you. I know, I know, you’re most likely thinking, ‘How could anyone give a hoot about someone like me?’ We’ve all felt that way at one time or another. But I can tell you, He cares about you the same way He cared about me. I was a hot mess when He turned my life around. So much like many others I know and have heard about. Like this roughneck dude way back in the day…I mean way back.

He had a rough job growing up, the youngest of seven brothers, and by his appearance, he was just a scrawny runt of a boy so, they sent him out to work with the sheep most of the time. Half the time they didn’t even acknowledge he existed. So, while he was in the field, he built a relationship with God. Well, there wasn’t anyone else to talk to… he also wrote poetry. No, he wasn’t a sissy or anything, he was communicating with God the best way he knew how, in song writing, like hymns and poems, or Psalms as they were called. His name was David by the way.

While he was out in the field, he came across lots of enemies too. A lion and a bear tried to kill his sheep, so he took them out with his sling shot! They didn’t have buckshot back then! Stones and a sling. Anyway, as time went on, he grew stronger and became fearless. One day, someone came to his dad and said, ‘Hey, God sent me here because you have a son, He wants me to anoint for something special.’ The man called his sons, and the prophet looked at all of them, thinking it was the oldest one, but God said ‘no!’ and so he went down the line through all of them, but God still said, ‘Nope, not these.’ So, the prophet, knowing that God sent him to this man’s home, said to the dad, ‘Are there anymore?’ The dad paused, knowing he had David out in the field, but thought, ‘Surely it can’t be him! He’s nothing but a scrawny boy!’ But he couldn’t lie and said to one of the boys, ‘Go call your brother David in from the field.’ Of course, the brothers all chuckled to themselves, but as soon as David came in, smelling bad and still kind of looking like the runt of the litter, the prophet felt the spirit of God say, ‘That’s the one.’ So, he poured the oil on him. God was ready to promote the worst of the bunch to King of Israel! Why? Because that’s what God does. He takes the least of all and makes them the best of all, no matter what the outside looks like! He isn’t looking at all your failures, he’s looking at your heart and David happened to be a man who had a heart for God. Acts 13:22 says it: “And when He had removed him, (Saul) He raised up for them David as king, to whom also He gave testimony and said, ‘I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will.”

If you get nothing else from this article today, get this…it doesn’t matter where you have been, what you have done, or where you came from, God can see you, He will hear you when you decide you are ready to talk to Him. He will not condemn you, curse you, beat you down with a giant ball bat, or make you feel unworthy to be in His presence. He isn’t like that at all. You see what David learned while he was out there keeping the sheep in the field, was that just as protective as he was to keep the lions, bears and all other enemies from bringing his sheep harm, that’s how God feels about us. He created us, we belong to Him, so why wouldn’t He want to keep us, guide us, listen to us, comfort us and bring us into the higher places that He has planned for us?

Take this to heart…you are worth everything to God. You must be…after all…He sent His only Son, Jesus to die for you.

Jesus ‘n’ ME will be seeing you in the wind…

Mary G.

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