
RtR adds EVEN MORE “Tabasco” to the MIX!

Reasons To Ride is proud to recognize Sean “Tabasco” Hall as a NEW Senior Editor and Publisher of RtR.  For over 10 years, Tabasco has been a contributor and supporter of the crew – but he will now be assuming a stronger, leadership role within the team.

For over 40 years, Tabasco has been an active part of the riding community.  As a nationally recognized and widely respected leader within the club world, he brings a different perspective to the discussion with his years of experience both on the road and within houses across the country. 

His long running “Final Word” column will be returning as the “Final CUT”.  You may not always agree with him, but you’ll certainly know where he stands and most likely be left with a lot to consider after reading his message each month.

Beyond the pages of the magazine, we look forward to Tabasco bringing things to a whole new level – especially as RtR continues to grow both as a magazine and digital platform.

For more information, you can email Tabasco at Tabasco@ReasonsToRide.com


Local riding organizations are invited to come and set up at regional motorcycle events.

Over the next several months, we will be setting up at and helping to host a number of fairly large motorcycle events starting with the WILD TURKEY FESTIVAL in Southern Ohio and then numerous rallies and events throughout the Ohio, Michigan, and other states.  And in between the rallies, we will be out at rides, bike nights, and other local events.

And all of these are great opportunities for local riding organizations to connect with riders…

Many riding organizations just think about setting up to sell t-shirts or to promote an upcoming ride, if that.  Far too few consider setting up just as an opportunity to introduce themselves to other riders and the riding community in general.  A booth with a banner in back and maybe a table with some swag or flyers about an upcoming event – allow you to connect with folks and deliver a strong message about who you are. 

At the upcoming events, we would like to invite local riding organizations out to join us as we set up.  This includes motorcycle ministries, veterans organizations, RC’s, and even MC’s.  For some of the larger events, where there are thousands of riders,  there might be a small charge by the venue for setting up a booth.  In most cases it’s just $50-100 to set up.   If you can sell a stack of shirts or sign up 20-30 more riders for your upcoming ride – that’s money well spent.  Or if you connect with a few strong candidates or have a chance to let the community really know who you are – it’s money well spent.

For more information on coming out to events or to reserve space at a specific event, send us an email at BikeShowInfo@gmail.com

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Read More of Our Magazines

Looking for more riding inspiration, tips, and event highlights? Explore our complete collection of past Reasons to Ride magazines in our Past Issue Bookshelf. Each issue is packed with valuable content for riders, including scenic routes, gear reviews, and updates from the motorcycle community.