All makes, models, and years are truly welcome at the RTR Bike Shows.  We have over 15 distinct classes for bikes, and we are constantly adding more as the shows evolve.  We group bikes by style and origin, and try to balance things out as much as possible.  Categories include designations for Imported and Domestic, Touring, Trikes, Vintage, Racing, and even Radical.  Specialty classes include Custom Paint, Patriotic and Military themed bikes, and even a Ladies Class. 

It’s important to recognize that these are INFORMAL, RIDE-IN SHOWS!  While we do use Judges at most shows, the majority of the votes come from the crowd.  These are fun shows with the emphasis on camaraderie more than competition.  If you’ve ever stormed out of a show after not winning the big trophy – these shows aren’t for you.  We’ve always believed that the best thing about our bike show series is the people that both exhibit and attend.  This isn’t just about the bikes – but about the people building and riding them as well.

Even if you’ve never participated in a Bike Show before, these shows are for you if you have a passion for your bike.  Go ahead and bring her out – and PUT HER IN THE SHOW! 
Make sure that you check out our events listing on Facebook and follow the ones that are of interest to you.  We will be posting updates and more details about the new programs as things are finalized.  www.Facebook.com/ReasonsToRide

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